Don’t forget that the first Saturday of every month is Buddy Day at NWIMAA! Bring your buddy to class that morning and you and your buddy can break a board! Plus your buddy will get special opportunities for prizes at NWIMAA if they want to try out our program!
Saturday, October 15
Saturday, November 19
Board Breaking Seminar!
October 15th
Experience the awesomeness that is breaking boards!
$25 per participant. $2/board
Parents Night Out!
10/15 from 4-8 PM
11/19 from 4-8PM
Ninja Zone, dodge ball, free play, pizza, snacks and movie time for the kids! Peace and quiet at home for you!
$25 per student. Spaces are limited! Sign up at the front desk!
Trunk or Treat!
Saturday, October 22
NWIMAA needs volunteers to help make this event a success! We have space for 20 trunks and 9 tables. Sign-up at the front desk if you would like to participate!
10/29 NWIMAA Cup is Halloween Forms!!
Youth 1pm
Teens & Adults 2pm
Come dressed in your costume and make your form match!
Win first, second or third place medals! Plus you earn point just by showing up! Make sure you earn at least 27 points to earn a prize for this year!
11/19 NWIMAA Cup is Team Sparring!!
Teens & Adults 12pm
Youth 1:30pm
Come show off your sparring skills! No need to organize your own team, we will assign teams when you arrive!
Win first, second or third place medals! Plus you earn point just by showing up! Make sure you earn at least 27 points to earn a prize for this year!
Holiday Sale!
November 4-5
Merchandise, apparel, training equipment, and more! Whatever’s in inventory is on sale! Once we’re out, we’re out! Get your holiday shopping done!
Teens Night!
Saturday, November 5
Students ages 12-17 are invited to come hang out and make new friends at NWIMAA’s Teens Night!
Homework Party!
Saturday, November 12
Students who completed their homework star sheets for the 2021-2022 school year are invited to an exclusive party to celebrate their success! Bring your homework sticker sheet!
Closed for the Holidays!
Halloween: October 31
Thanksgiving: November 24-26
NWIMAA will be closed for the Halloweeen and Thanksgiving holidays. Have a great time celebrating with your family!
Saturday, November 19
Black Belt Champions will be writing letters to active military personell as a way to give back to the community! Come out and help us support our soldiers!