
Graduation and Testing

Our process for graduation and testing will be changing this year. Previously, we have had all students below 7th gup (orange/green belt) scheduled for graduation every 2 months and all students 7th gup and above scheduled for testing every 2-4 months. Starting in 2021, graduations will continue to take place every 2 months but, testing will change to every 3 months. Here’s the break-down:

Champion Squires (4-6 year olds)

Graduation every 2 months: February, April, June, August, October, December

No change to rank progression

Junior Knights (7-10 year olds)

Graduation every 2 months: February, April, June, August, October, December

Once you have reached yellow/green belt you may graduate to 10th gup, 9th gup, or 8th gup by demonstrating the appropriate forms and one-steps listed below.

10th Gup (yellow belt)

Can complete all 20 moves of the form with correct technique and turns without help

9th Gup (yellow/orange belt)

Can demonstrate 1 form and 1 set of one-steps

8th Gup (orange belt)

Can demonstrate 2 forms and 2 sets of one-steps


7th Gup (orange/green belt)

Has achieved 8th gup

Can demonstrate 3 forms and 3 sets of one-steps

Knights (10+ years old)

ALL STUDENTS will Test every 3 months: March, June, September, December

Students will progress through the ranks in order (skipping 9th gup):

10th Gup (yellow belt)

8th Gup (orange belt)

7th Gup (orange/green belt)

6th Gup (green belt)

5th Gup (green/brown belt)

4th Gup (brown belt)

3rd Gup (brown/red belt)

2nd Gup (red belt)

1st Gup (red/blue belt)

Cho Dan Bo (blue belt)

Advanced Cho Dan Bo (blue/black)

Black Belt


Online Karate

As the winter weather continues, we want to remind our students of our Basic Level 3 program which includes our online karate classes! The Basic Level 3 program allows students to take classes in person AND online! This provides our students with the opportunity to take class from home if the weather makes getting to the studio difficult. You can upgrade your program at any time by speaking with Miss Kelly or Master Theros.

Reserve your Classes

Moving forward, we would like to remind our families to reserve the classes you plan to attend on Calendly. You can access Calendly through our website nwinidanamartialarts.com/membershome by clicking the “Schedule your In-Person Classes” link, choosing your correct class (Youth, Advanced, or Teen & Adult Beginner) and choosing the day and time you would like to take class. If you are not able to schedule your own classes you can let the front desk know and they will be happy to help.

Summer T-shirt

NWIMAA’s summer t-shirts are designed to be worn for the summer months (Memorial Day through Labor Day). Because 2020 was such a difficult year we allowed students to continue wearing the 2020 summer t-shirt through December. But, as it is no longer 2020, we are asking our students to return to wearing their white (or black) dobahk top to class. If you need a new uniform for any reason you can purchase it at the front desk for $45. The 2021 summer t-shirt will be available in May.


Website Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the online classes?

There are 3 ways to access classes online:

RECORDED CLASSES – We record all of our classes. This allows you to watch any previous class at a time that works best for you. You can access these  classes on our website nwindianamartialarts.com/membershome by  clicking the link for the livestream classes, scrolling to the appropriate class (youth, advanced, or teen/adults beginner), and using the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the video to access the class you would like to take. We have over 200 recorded classes available.

LIVESTREAM CLASSES – Every class we teach is available via a livestream on our website nwindianamartialarts.com/membershome. This is a one-way communication: You can see us, but we cannot see you. There is a chat tool you can use to ask questions or just let us know you are there.

ZOOM CLASSES – These are two-way classes. It is the same class as the livestream, but it is conducted via Zoom, the online video conference tool. It is a free app that you can download for your phone or computer. During the Zoom classes, you can see us, and we can also see you (assuming you share your video screen). From our perspective, this is the best way to attend  virtual classes. It gives our instructors a chance to have some personal    interaction with our students. To attend the Zoom classes, you must access the link from the member website nwindianamartialarts.com/membershome.


Where do I find my login information?

When you signed-up for your program, your online login information was emailed to the email address we have on file. Your username is generally the beginning of your email address before the @ symbol. Your password will be randomly generated by our system, but you are welcome to change the password once you login. If you lose the email with your login information, just give the front desk a call and we can send it to you again.


What if I get locked out?

Every once in a while, our students have reported getting messages like “IP Blocked”. If  this happens, you can call the studio and our staff will fix the problem within a few hours.